Pilot Venue checklist

Finding the right venues for a successful pilot

Congratulations on Certifying your integration with Doshii!

The next step is to pilot the integration with a few venues through a controlled pilot program. 

During this period we will arrange additional monitoring and support to catch any issues early and also learn from any feedback the venue or the involved integration teams may have to be incorporated before scaling out to a larger market.

This is also a chance for all the support teams to gain real experience from live venues.

How long does this take?

What does a good pilot venue look like?

What technical requirements does the venue have?

What commercial requirements are there for venues?

What does the venue need to do?

What can we do to help prepare the venue?

Where does a venue go if there is an issue?

How can we test before we go live in the venue?

We already have a location in mind - how can we get started?



How long does this take?

We recommend 4-6 weeks or your general billing cycle.

What does a good pilot venue look like?

This is a balance between managing the operational and commercial risk of the integration with not finding any underlying issues before scaling-up. As such, we suggest to look for venues with the following:


  • Running latest version of software
  • Menu up to date (including old menus, holiday specials, tags, pricing)
  • Ability to fall back on non-integrated process if required
  • In the same regional area as your support staff (Doshii is located East Coast Australia)


  • Good working relationship, preferably already using the systems involved (just not yet in an integrated way with Doshii)
  • Any maintenance agreements in place, outstanding payments paid, etc…
  • If part of a chain, a select store in a controlled environment with backing from any franchises / head-office
  • Stable, in business


  • Number of venues in chain, at least 2 locations
  • Turnover, at least $100K per month
  • Volume, at least 100 orders per lunch/dinner session?
  • A varied menu including meal bundles, promotions, options and variations, ie: we’ve found Pizza & Pasta and Thai venues a good example
  • Open all week, possibly with different opening hours
  • An established merchant with a baseline transaction/ordering activity to compare to if possible

What technical requirements does the venue have?

Apart from your own requirements, please check the venue has:

  • Opened for business (not awaiting installation, fit out, etc…)
  • A reliable internet connection
  • Any network security (firewall) must allow standard outbound connection
  • Any specific 3rd party components installed, including licenses, eg: background services, plugin licenses from POS or App

What commercial requirements are there for venues?

The venue will need to sign-on with Doshii directly (can be directed to our website, https://doshii.io/sign-up).

Once registered, we will notify the venue if their POS or App vendor requires any further commercial agreements or authorisation (may depend from 3rd party provider to provider).

What does the venue need to do?

Once signed-up, we can notify the venue depending on the connecting services what is required.

We may contact the venue directly during and following completion of the pilot for feedback.

What can we do to help prepare the venue?

Merchants may be directed to our website or contact us directly to learn more about Doshii.

Our marketing team will also be in touch as part of our co-promotion program to provide further material including logos and content for back-linking.

The venue should also be trained in how to use your system.

Where does a venue go if there is an issue?

As with any support, we are happy to receive calls directly from any merchant as per our standard SLA.

We do however suggest that merchants continue to contact their App and POS vendor support teams as they usually would; The App team for any issues with the App, and the POS team for an issue with the POS system.

Any issues identified as stemming from the integration will be quickly escalated to our team, and visa-versa, we include any relevant integration teams on support issues.

How can we test before we go live in the venue?

Yes - many of our POS and App systems have test environments we can test with the specific App/POS connection, often with the ability to use a clone or copy of the target pilot venue’s setup and data (this will however, require explicit permission).

We already have a location in mind - how can we get started?

Just let our support team know (via support@doshii.io) and we’ll confirm registration and get things rolling.


Ultimately, the success of the pilot period will depend most on a good working relationship  with the venue, understands there may be issues but with good attitude to fixing/addressing anything ASAP and working with all parties and a little patience.