On-boarding & Subscription


- Overview

- Who does what?

- The merchant venue (Location)

- POS System (Vendor)

- The Partner (App)


Common questions




The venue is in control at all times of who may access their POS and when.

  • Only venues or vendors with their permission, will provide the hashed Location-ID to authorised Apps. Doshii do not provide a list of venues, or automatically grant access without explicit consent from the venue.
  • Doshii continuously monitors subscription activity, which is made available via the Dashboard in real-time.
  • Venues may opt to black-list an App at any time to restrict their access.



In order for an App to exchange data with a merchant venue's POS system:

  1. The merchant/venue provides consent to:
    • The App to use their services
    • The POS to enable the Doshii integration (usually covered under standard data policy)
  2. The merchant/venue uses a Doshii certified POS system, including:
    • The supported version
    • The supported hardware
    • The system is installed, configured and live
    • The location has a reliable outbound internet connection
  3. The App subscribes to the merchant location using  the Doshii Location-ID (once above are complete):
    • Merchant/venue to provide Location-ID
      • If not known, can ask POS vendor
      • If not yet registered/connected, may ask POS vendor
    • Integrating partner App subscribes to the location

Who does what?

The merchant venue (Location)

If a merchant venue wishes an App to be integrated via Doshii, simply provide the Location-ID.

If not sure, may ask their Doshii Certified POS system vendor.

Once the Location-ID is provided to the integrating Doshii Certified App partner, the partner will be able to subscribe to the venue immediately via the API directly.

POS System (Vendor)

Must register the venue with Doshii. The POS vendor is responsible for:

  1. Installing and configuring the POS system. 
  2. Registering the venue with Doshii and obtaining Location-ID

To do so, the POS has endpoints available to register both the Organisation and its venues' locations (see onboarding).

The Partner (App)

Must then:

  1. Be registered with Doshii (in that environment)
  2. Be certified for the service-channels required
  3. Successfully subscribe to the venue using the hashed Location-ID.

Once subscribed, the App may access the services for which they are certified, usually (in order):

  • The organisation and venue details
  • The venue's table listing
  • The venue's menu

To facilitate this most POS provide the Location-ID within the administration/configuration settings UI section, either as a code, QR code or barcode. The venue may contact the POS if they are unsure how to retrieve this.


For ensuring a smooth on-boarding and subscription process for your venues:

  • Perform a pre-flight check of the venue, verifying POS and network system requirements. Some POS have provided a list of which POS capabilities and versions are required to support certain Doshii integrations.
  • Provide realistic timeframes, including time to fund, install and configure new hardware and/or software upgrades if required.
  • Implementing the registration and subscription functions via the API via an easily maintainable interface that may be access by appropriate personnel when required, ie: an administration console, settings UI, etc... and not relying on back-office command line or batch procedures.

Common questions

Do we have to register an Organisation for a location?

Yes - even if only one venue, however the contact information may be repeated. Noted, many organisations have grown into larger chains of multiple venue locations.

What is the average time taken to onboard a venue?

A registered venue may be connected to within seconds, with details menu and table information loaded within approx. 15sec.

It is extremely important to set clear expectations with prospective venues, and time should be factored for having to perform any hardware of POS software upgrades or configuration which could take weeks - this is completely dependent on the situation of the venue and managed entirely by the POS vendor.

It is prudent to be familiar with the various POS being targeted their requirements. See the POS capability requirements for more information.

We've seen great examples of devices using a QR code to scan locations and be connected within seconds.

Who will provide the Location-ID?

The venue, or else their POS vendor if they've been authorised to do so.

Does a venue need to accept/reject an App subscription?

No; by virtue of registering the venue they have provided access via Doshii, however they are not compelled to provide their location ID, and may choose to block any App at any time.

Can I get a list of all the available Doshii locations to subscribe to?

No, however you may request this from the POS vendors directly.

If I register a venue, do I still need to subscribe to it?

Yes; venue subscription is very flexible and thus is per location-id to App explicitly (even if they were registered and belong to the same organisation).

Can the dashboard be used to register and subscribe venues?

Yes, however this should only be considered a fallback facility, and POS and Apps are required to implement these functions via the API directly to be certified.

How can I tell when an venue is connected?

You may monitor a venue's location registration (if administrating, vending to, or subscribed to) via the dashboard. The venue is typically registered, then will connect (you will see a heartbeat) and upload details, menu and table listing ahead of any orders (if applicable).

Who should I contact if a venue is having issues registering or connecting?

Venues are encouraged to contact their POS in the first instance, who will contact Doshii if it is deemed appropriate.