
Doshii has multiple environments which are completely distinct and used for different purposes.

Each environment has a base API URL of https://<environment>.doshii.co/. In addition, we also offer a read-only suite of endpoints for certified Apps, that are optimised for read-only access. They function exactly the same as the standard suite of endpoints, in terms of behaviour and schema, however, only GET requests are supported. The read-only endpoints base API URL is https://<environment>-readonly.doshii.co/.

To better support analytics and data aggregation Apps, we have released a Bulk Data API to handle large requests for data in a single call. The Bulk Data endpoints base API URL is https://data.<environment>.doshii.co/.

The first segment in the URL path will be either partner or pos, depending on which you classify as, the exception being the Bulk Data API, where no classification is required. The second segment for the API will contain the current Doshii API version.

For socket connections, (both Apps and POS), the last segment in the Url path will be socket, e.g. https://<environment>.doshii.co/app/socket.


Used exclusively for actual trading. Only real Locations associated with certified Vendors and able to be accessed by certified Apps.

  • POS URLs:
    • API Base: https://live.doshii.co/pos/<version>
    • Socket: wss://socket.live.doshii.co/pos/socket (or wss://socket.live.doshii.co/vendor/socket for Cloud POS)
  • Partner URLs:
    • API Base: https://live.doshii.co/partner/<version>
    • Read-Only API Base: https://readonly.live.doshii.co/partner/<version>
    • Data API Base: https://data.live.doshii.co/<version>
    • Socket URL: https://socket.live.doshii.co/

Every precaution has been taken to eliminate downtime and maximise resilience on this environment. Please remember to include the version in your requests.


For development and testing purposes. This environment may be on a different version to live.

We offer this environment to allow developers to adapt their applications to upcoming changes and give the opportunity for community feedback.

  • POS URLs:
    • API Base: https://sandbox.doshii.co/pos/<version>
    • Socket: wss://socket.sandbox.doshii.co/pos/socket (or wss://socket.sandbox.doshii.co/vendor/socket for Cloud POS)
  • Partner URLs:
    • API Base: https://sandbox.doshii.co/partner/<version>
    • Read-Only API Base: https://readonly.sandbox.doshii.co/partner/<version>
    • Data API Base: https://data.sandbox.doshii.co/<version>
    • Socket URL: wss://socket.sandbox.doshii.co/app/socket

Please remember to include the version in your requests.