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App Referral Process

The App referral process is when an App partner has requested for a venue connection to their platform via the Doshii integration. An app partner may refer a venue to connect via Doshii at any time using an App Referral workflow from the Dashboard.

How can I refer a venue to Doshii to connect my App?

Partner steps

  1. Login to your Doshii Dashboard account and navigate to your registered App.

  2. Scroll down to "App Referrals" (under details, subscriptions, web-hooks and devices).
  3. Click the + button to the right of the table to "Create a new referral"
  4. Complete the details including the email of the merchant to connect and their name.
  5. Once completed, you can monitor the progress of any referrals via the table (they will show accepted when the user has confirmed they wish to accept the referral and proceed).

 Note if configured, you may be asked if you will be covering the merchant fees; This will be readonly (not editable) and set automatically according to your commercial terms if applicable.

Doshii & Merchant steps

  1. Doshii support will communicate to the venue by either sending a referral email including your details and a link to Doshii Connect, inviting them to sign up (if not already, otherwise to simply sign in) and a referral item will appear on their home page for you App.
  2. The user may select and accept the referral for any or all of their venue locations and we immediately create a connection request through the usual workflows).
  3. When the venue is onboarded completely, Doshii support subscribes the venue to the App and notifies the App partner with the venue's Location ID via the associated subscribed API event and will appear in the list of Locations available.
  4. The associated request ticket associated with the connection may also be marked as solved.